Introducing 'Adventures in Faith'
Back in 2019, before we were even engaged, we had a conversation about what our future might look like. What followed was a special time with God in which we committed to love Him with our whole lives and all of our resources. We did not want to have a safe life or a comfortable life, but rather wanted a life that would glorify God and was filled with us doing His will.
In response to this, God began to put India on our hearts, more specifically the states of Kerala and Nagaland — which are both places that we had never heard of. Over a number of years, the Holy Spirit brought these states to our attention in ways which could have been coincidences, but over time became clear to us as God’s direction for us to respond to. One example is how God used the tourism slogan for Kerala to get our attention. Emma stepped out of her office and saw a passing tram covered in a beautiful photograph of Kerala’s landscape with words that said: “Kerala — God’s Own Country”.
Our initial response was to visit Kerala, which we did in 2022. During this time, God brought us across fellow believers and we had the opportunity to have fellowship, encourage others and be encouraged ourselves. The end result of this time was that we were drawn closer to God — which is our ultimate goal, above any other outcome. However, upon returning home to Australia, we continued to feel God stirring our hearts about Kerala and Nagaland, as well as about Singapore (with it feeling like a potential base for South East Asia). We were also feeling stirred about freeing ourselves to be totally available for Him. After a few months of discussion and prayer, it became clear to us that our hearts’ expression to God was to leave our jobs, our rental and our families and step out with Him — with Kerala being our first destination. So we finished up our jobs, packed up our house, farewelled our families, and set off from Australia.
This journal is a record of our adventures with God, with a particular focus on what we have felt from Him and the different situations He has led us into. We wanted to share this with anyone who might be interested in following along with our adventures in faith.